Schlagwort-Archive: opportunity

How to get rid of DM Twitter spam

Are you fed up with auto generated, nonsense direct messages DM which only send Spam? Do you have a hard time sorting bad from good messaged in your Twitter inbox? Than I know a way to help you.

90% of Twitter spammer are currently using tools from TweetLater/SocialOomph. Of course they have to apply it automatically otherwise their spamming wouldn’t be profitable.

TweetLater (now SocialOomph) gives the opportunity to send every account following an auto generated direct message back to welcome, thank or spam.

But you can opt out from this function. Read my instructions:

  1. Follow @OptMeOut and read their instructions on the first tweet.
  2. Wait until they follow you back. You will receive an direct message form them to confirm. It took my about 60 minutes the last time, so be a little patient.
  3. Reply their direct message. You can write whatever you want, the content is of no relevance.
  4. Unfollow @OptMeOut again.

Now your account should be freed from every auto generated DM by SocialOomph.

Please spread the words! Any additionally hint are gladly welcome, please comment.