Archiv der Kategorie: Opera

Use the brand new Google Search by Image with Opera

Just checked it out. Works great!

If you want this to work for Opera Browser as well do the following:

  1. Open
  2. Right click mouse -> Edit Site Preferences…
  3. DISABLE Content|Enable content blocking
  4. Network|Browser identification|Mask as Firefox

Yes, I know, it’s a faking bypassing of Opera. Sorry, can’t help it.

Watch this little trailer by Google itself.

[youtube t99BfDnBZcI 560 349]

Opera Problems with Googlemail login solved

Whenever you got the message from Googlemail, that it takes too long to login with your Opera browser or if you encounter any other login problems with Google services do the following:

  1. Edit site preferences (for; right click mouse when opening
    – accept cookies
    – delete new cookies when exiting Opera
  2. Edit site preferences: Delete EVERY cookie related to Google. If you are uncertain, just delete all cookies.
  3. Close every tab which shows google content – even the one with the not working login (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!)
  4. Clear Opera’s browser cache, completely and not only for a single URL (new function since Opera 11)
  5. Close Opera
  6. Login with any other Browser (Chrome should work) and disable Google Labs in the settings (see screen shot). It’s not enough to click the link entitled “Disable Google labs” during login. I realized that I was always able to login with a fresh default account not with my main account where I twisted every nuts and bolds and made a lot of fine tuning with labs. So, for the time being, you should stay away from Google labs.
  7. Restart Opera.
  8. Try again, it should work now.

disable deactivate google labs completely

This trick works for Opera 11.1 and every older version as well.

If it still does not work, try this:

  • type into URL: “opera:config#Browser%20JavaScript” change the value to 1 and save.

If you are using Ad Blocker Software like Ad Muncher (which in my eyes is the best) then try and deactivate it for the login process. You can switch it on again once you are logged in.

I am only writing this down to help myself again when I am stucked again. Somehow I keep on forgetting how to solves those problems.

How to turn Opera auto update off

For those of you who are still disappointed with the new Opera Browser 10.5x, I advice you to go back to Version 10.10.

But than you have to turn the auto update “feature” off. Otherwise it will happen that you start your PC just to find the crappy 10.5x version back on again.

Tools > Preferences… > Advanced > Security > Auto-update and choose “notify my about available updates” or “Do not check for updates”

Opera 10.5x sucks – Switching back to 10.10

After all this problems with 10.5, 10.51, 10.52 and 10.53beta I switch back to the best last stable version which was 10.10 for me.

No more problems of this kind:

  • endlessly waiting for DNS (every PC)
  • crashing when closing (every PC)
  • not starting at all (Asus Netbook)
  • crashing when synchronizing after closing (every PC)
  • false synchronization/double synchronization of bookmarks (every PC)
  • not loading pages at all all of a sudden
  • some usability features I dislike (new password wand message, new Javascript message box)
  • some felt slowdowns when too many pages with lot’s of Ajax are open. Parallel Firefox has not that problems
  • forgetting of passwords in wand (I can’t proof it 100% but it happened quite too often for my feelings)

I am very VERY sorry for that hence I have been a Opera supporter and power user since the first public version ever.

I still LOVE Opera.

I am writing this down because the official Opera forum has censored my posting.